Our lives are more defined by what we give and who we help than what we receive. Let’s leave a legacy together.

All of our board members and volunteers have personal stories with cancer and the devastating effects it has had on their families and friends. From our Director, Bryan, who was diagnosed with colon/rectal cancer in October of 2011 and has lost his grandfather and brother to cancer, to Kurt Bestor who lost his brother to cancer and has spent countless hours helping raise money for cancer survivors and cancer research and Jenny Oaks Baker and her husband who have lost both of their mothers to cancer. Unfortunately, these stories are not unique as cancer affects as many as 1 in 3 men and only slightly less common for women. How can we help? How can we make a difference? Often simply reducing the financial burden or granting an amazing wish, or supporting the breakthrough research going on in our nation can be the very thing that brings hope and much-needed relief to those who need it most.

Whether it’s through our golf events, organized charity run events, or events like the Alaska Cruise with Mat & Savanna Shaw, or the Eastern Mediterranean & Holy Land Cruise with GENTRI, we have found a way to come together with you and others to make a difference today and for the future! Please consider donating or joining us at one of our upcoming events as we swing for those we love!

  • Donate online to Swing 4 Cancer (a 501c3 not for profit organization), anything helps!

  • Come and volunteer with us at one of our events!

  • Join us on FaceBook and help us share the goodwill, making a difference in the lives of someone today.

  • Partner with us as a corporate sponsor and join the ranks with other great local companies who support our cause!


Meet the founding board members and committee members who volunteer their time and talents to Swing 4 Cancer.

Bryan Pendleton

Executive Director

In October 2011, Bryan was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer. It was a shock and a blow to Bryan and his family, but all had hope that he could beat it with the help of God and modern medicine. After 3 grueling years with radiation and chemotherapy treatments and several surgeries at the hands of skilled and inspired doctors…

Jack May

Board Member

Retired from Zions Bank after 35 yrs.

James Pendleton

Board Member

Business Owner

Nate Oldham

Board Member

Nate Oldham works in the online marketing industry with Brands and product companies to grow their businesses exponentially.  visit for more.   Nate also served as the president of Airgyro Aviation for 9 years, and built up his own internet marketing and consulting business helping companies and organizations with their online presence. He attended Utah Valley University where he served as the Student Body Vice President and studied business and marketing. Nate currently owns and lives in his grandmother’s home who died of Cancer in 2005. He currently serves as a founding committee member for Golf To Eradicate Cancer & the Dave & Cheryl Rose Classic.

Dale R. Johnson

Board Member

We are excited to welcome Dale Johnson to the Swing4Cancer board of directors!

Kurt Bestor

Advisory Council

Emmy Award-winning and Grammy-nominated performer and composer. His credits include more than 40 film scores and more than 40 themes for national TV programs and commercials. It is Bestor’s music that has introduced NFL Monday Night Football, and National Geographic Explorer; he scored TBS’s Wild! Life Adventures and the IMAX film “The Great American West.” He also was given the Outstanding Film Score Award at the New York Film and Television Festival for his music for PBS’s “A More Perfect Union.” Bestor was awarded an Emmy® for his collaboration with Sam Cardon on the original music for ABC’s coverage of the 1988 Winter Olympics. In 2012, his arranging and producing of Jenny Oaks Baker’s CD “Wish Upon a Star” earned the two of them a Grammy nomination.

David and Angela Stallings

Board Members

Jim and SheriLee White

Board Members


We work with the very best. We are proud of our partners, who work with us to provide help for our friends who need it most.